Thursday, 8 September 2011

Day 2 - Almost Every Part of the Buffalo

This morning I woke up feeling deprived and super-hungry.  I started my morning yoga practice but found myself distracted by thoughts of what I would eat next month or if I would have to dip into the flour before the end of September. 

This is not living with faith in the universe, nor is it living in the present moment.  Therefore, I am shifting the purpose of this experience to align more with the concept of abundance.  I will not deprive myself because there is enough for everyone in this post-apocalyptic world when we believe there is.  We can only accept the gifts bestowed when we open our possibility-space and exist moment-to-moment.  Otherwise, we are living in some other past or future moment, missing what is being offered.  Recipes for Post-apocalyptic Living is now a manifesto of faith and abundance :)

That said, I am not a wasteful individual; I will make the most of every gift I receive.  For breakfast, I added some water to my almond milk (because I want to have enough for the amount of cereal that remains) and made hot lemon tea.  From the lemon I squeezed yesterday, I peeled the rind and juiced it.  Almost every part of the buffalo.  I threw out the shredded pith from the juicer.  Next time I will save it for a garnish or save enough pith to make lemon poppy-seed muffins.

Thinking about blackberries and other wild berries and foraging for mushrooms in the fall.  Anyone with experience in any of the above?

Favourite cereal!

Hot Lemon Tea!

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