Monday, 19 September 2011

Day 13 - From East 4th to West 4th

Sunday morning was a major highpoint in this project.  I started off for East 4th and Commercial to pick up a free Kombucha culture.  (NB: I had a family of Kombucha before and they died.  This time will be different.)

Kombucha Tea in a mere week!
Kombucha tea contains B-vitamins, which few of my rations contain.  The monthly blood tests will include a B-vitamin inventory.  After this month's base-line test, it will be interesting to see how my B-vitamin levels fluctuate.

Next, I bussed over to Kitsilano where I harvested a beautiful and bountiful garden.  I spent much of the afternoon washing vegetables and bagging the kale for freezing.

Carrot Greens and Kale Stems for Juicing

Tomatoes, Carrots, Shallots

Also, Beans and Chives!

Dehydrating Kale

This is only one head of Kale.  There are 4 more like this.
I also went out and harvested another container full of blackberries.  I might try to berry-pick once more this week, but I think the season is pretty much over.

I feel like I have such an abundance of food I want to have a dinner party when my Kombucha is ready :-)

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