On Sunday I went to my parents' garden and dug up some leftover carrots and potatoes! I also amassed a bundle of dandelion greens and really tough kale chewed up by slugs. I figure that I can at least juice what remains of the leaves and the stalks. I also discovered puffball mushrooms (lycoperdon pyriforme) growing in between the patio cracks! The last time I thought I found one, it turned out to be an amanita - deadly. This time I looked my specimen over very carefully before eating it raw this morning. It's been hours later and I feel terrific - edible! It didn't taste great, kind of musty, but had a great texture...like luxuriously dense bread. I will go back to collect more to sauté in oil.
My last few posts have been very anti-consumerist and probably come across as a little elitist. To balance things out, I am sharing one of my Christmas wish-list items, incidentally once a showcase item on a highly consumer-driven program (you see it within the first 10 seconds):
If I had this popcorn cart, I would mainly have it right beside my bed. On sunny days, I would walk it through the park and delight all with fresh popcorn. Eventually the citizens of Surrey would want me to run for mayor because of this. My modesty would prevent me from doing so; nevertheless, Gord Downie would write a song about my cart, and the city would probably erect a statue or paint a commemorative mural.
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