Realized that I've been eating a lot because I am bored. Ordinarily, I would just be anxious about getting fat and come up with some kind of torture and deprivation regime, but the anxiety now extends to supply-related issues. It could have been the full moon, it might have been the congo - I decided that bangs would be the perfect solution to everything. If they didn't turn out, I could obsess over that and divert my attention to fixing them. If they did turn out, my self-esteem might see a nice boost and maybe I'd eat less. Either way, this seemed like a great idea.
When I woke up this morning, I saw that my hair is now a symptom of the general indecisiveness ruling my life. I cut one side too short, as often happens when you self-cut. But, I liked the longer side so much that I couldn't quite bring myself to match the lengths.
The shorter side |
The longer side |
The front |
I think I should keep it like this as a reminder to be more decisive. This will be my wrist tattoo that says 'courage' or 'silence' or whatever. Besides, asymmetry is still considered high fashion, n'est-ce pas?
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